Agricultural products of our company are fruit is pear cultivars birth year 2008, 5 years old. 1830 Pear Tree area of ​​17.000 m2 with the number of product continues to operate.

The homeland of Asia Minor and Anatolia. Spread from Anatolia to Europe. According to historical records is understood that the period of Eti grown pears. Root, root piles that form the deep earth, lime, and to the strong. Taking care of fruit trees in requiring. Dadanmasıyla parasites occur in various diseases if we did not care.

The most drought-resistant plants. The fruit of a tree is 50 to 400 kg. Extends up the hill and ripe pear tree apple tree Reaching lengths of 13 m longer and more upright. Pear, pear rootstock seedlings usually on one-year bridging or produced by means of exceedance. Pear trees are very long-lived (50-75 years) and best viewed through budanmazsa thoroughly extended lengths. Planted a pear tree begins to bear fruit after 4-7 years 8-10 was about 25-50 kg of fruit can.
