Agricultural products of our company are fruit of plum varieties birth year 2007, six years old. 3,759 of 79,314 m2, the number of trees with Erik product continues to operate.



Fruits are medium -sized , hard, medium juicy and fragrant. Fruit color is dark blackish purple. Slightly pointed end portions of fruits . The flesh turns from yellow to red when it reaches maturity . Has a pleasant odor peculiar . Our fruits begin collecting the first week of July .

Very early in the spring plum almond , and later eaten as fresh fruit . Some types of dried plums

Or as dried fruit compote is consumed throughout the year , and the sauce is made . Also plum juice,

Syrup, molasses, jam and beverages to be consumed . Plum liver, heart , kidney and rheumatic

Applies to those suffering from digestive diseases and dietary consumption of salt is recommended.

Also plum regulatory period , diuretic and diaphoretic properties are also available. Various raw prunes

C as well as minerals , vitamins A and E and beta from tiles are also available. 4-12 m . the lenght .



TBlack series includes plum is one of the first breeding varieties that are growing, especially in California have become widespread. Trees tend to grow vertically, and the advent of medium strength. Is sensitive to bacterial diseases is not recommended for extreme humid places. 

Fruit is medium sized, round, flattened at the ends, peel intense grainy, dark purple-blackish in color and has yellow spots on. Flesh yellowish green (amber) in color, firm, juicy and quite small and not glued to the core. Friar pollinator, Black Diana are mounted varieties. Olumu harvest is the end of July Week from Angeleno varieties are harvested 45-50 days ago.





Trees develop a strong and widespread. Sparsely branched, bright leaf structure. Quite a variety of efficiency. Fruits are very large and flattened and smokey. Yellow skin color is blackish spots. Flesh is red, medium-hard and juicy. The core is small and depends on the meat. Harvest begins in the second week of July in the Mediterranean region. The higher the altitude, the longer the second week of August.

Santa Rosa, Escape, Quin tozlayıcılarıdır Rosa and Black Amber. Balck series is the most efficient, large and highly attractive variety. Should be a must for all garden dikimlerinde. In particular varieties until Angeleno stored after harvest in August, is stored. Thus, the market is extended.





Obilnaja Erik Rusya da Japon erikleri ile can grubu eriklerin melezlemesi ile elde edilmiş, ağacı kuvvetli gelişen, yayvan taç oluşturan, verimi mükemmel olan bir çeşittir. Obilnaja   Erik çeşidinin meyvesi yuvarlak, kabuk sarı zemine üzerine koyu kırmızıdır. Meyve eti sarı renkte, sulu ve çekirdek ete bağlı değildir. Meyve etinin sert olmaması nedeniyle raf ömrü uzun olmayıp kısa sürede pazarlanmalıdır. Kısmen kendine verimli olmakla birlikte Can ve Myrobalan erikleri dölleyici olarak kullanılmalıdır. Hasat tarihi sıfır rakım için Mayıs sonu Haziran ayı ilk haftasıdır. Sahil bölgeler için uygun olan erkenci bir çeşittir.

